Friday, May 14, 2010

Foreign Food FTW.....

Well, I recently decided to use my photoshop skills to turn myself into an Avatar after having watched the movie last week. So i felt like showing off the finished product. Then i thought of a way to tie in the picture with foodways and my view of food. It's a bit out there, but here it goes: I love foreign food, whether it be Mexican, Chinese, Italian, etc. etc. So for my ridiculous analogy......I like foreign food and look like a foreign alien in this picture. HA HA HA, right?
Ok so much for a career in comedy............But seriously, I don't know what life would be like if all I could eat was American food. It would be so boring and uninteresting!


  1. I really do like how you have an avatar "foreign alien" with foreign food, I thought that was a good analogy. But, I definitely agree with you as far as if there was only "American" food. There should definitely be diversity in the food we eat because it is a lot more interesting, which I think you portray it very nicely in this picture.

  2. I have to agree! It works; I am a huge fan of foreign food myself. In fact, I prefer it over food close to home. The picture you created definitely creates a good topic for discussion.

  3. I absolutely love this picture! I am a huge Avatar fan and I think you did a great job with photoshopping this, I would actually love to learn how you did it! This was a really creative way to display your love of foreign foods!
