Sunday, April 4, 2010

So I wasn't initially very inspired about what to write for this blog-post. But then today inspired me. It being Easter, I realized what kind of food i really enjoy, and that is all-you-can-eat brunches!!

My family and I went to a restaurant called Salvi's Bistro, which I had never been to before. Their brunch is absolutely delicious. So I suppose this is pretty telling of what type of person I am. If it were possible to do, and still maintain any sort of health, I'd most likely eat all day, every day. I swear that I feel hungry every waking moment! Brunches are awesome because I like mixing and matching all types of food together. I don't like generic dishes with a set layout. I'd just as soon have breakfast food mixed in with lunch food for every meal of the day.

Now to regress slightly, as I haven't properly introduced myself, only my sense of food, my name is Chris Milligan, I'm a first year engineering major, I was born here in Columbus, lived in Maine for about 11 years (I understand if you don't know where that is, It's as good as living in Canada), and have now been back in Ohio since last February. I love playing the drums (percussion or drumset --> looking for a band just fyi) and am a pretty big gamer.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your post a great deal. I love brunches as well. Breakfast food is my favorite food, so, if I get to eat it for lunch as well, I am extremely happy. :)
